Theatre music devising

I love to work with directors, performers, and live artists to help co-create their musical ideas for live performance. Becuase of my devising knowledge, I can help bring the push-and-pull of devising, to the making of music for live shows.


“Bits” with Sonia jalaly and ruby thompson

I worked in the rehearsal space, to-ing and fro-ing with actors and music, for the R&D for this silly, charming, playful piece about women and their “bits”.

“Lilith” with damsel productions

I helped create the underworld-soundworld for this beautiful and sexy new musical about womanhood by Holly Aston.

“The history of ireland” with sarah blanc and moxie brawl

I created a full spoof gameshow sound world for this joyous, ridiculous show, with amazing mover and shaker, Sarah Blanc.


Poster deisgned by Michael Julings

Theme tune for “GONE VIRAL” online variety show.

And “Quarantine Kitchen” covid-podcast bit.

“Big Berg” at the Edinburgh Fringe

Performative sonic adventures.

Some sound design for my own shows!